Welcome to HDR Photography

Has anyone been on Flickr or another website and seen the amazing pictures that people are creating. My name is Mike Skelton and I live in Illinois and I want to welcome you to my blog. I was one of those people who saw some of those pictures and was like wow I would love to be able to do that. What I realzie is there are so many different ways of creating that kind of picture. I also realize that there are so many softwares. Well here is an opportunity to share your thoughts and secrets of what you do to create that kind of picture. This is a chance to learn how you can do the same thing. Hope you enjoy this site as it continues to grow. Mike Skelton

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Oversaturated Car needs work how should i fix it


  1. A couple of suggestions:

    The image looks "flat" because you're using too much "Strength." Back off a little and you will get more depth.

    Also back off on the color saturation. Too much saturation gives a cartoon look.

    Finally, the image looks to have been taking in full sunlight. Still there seems to be a lot of noise in the background. Photomatix processing has a "noise reduction" step but it is seldom good enough. Run a good noise reduction tool on all of your original exposures prior to processing.

    Just my $0.02. ;)

  2. I've been doing some fun stuff with Efex tools. Stop by and check it out. ;)
